• Welcome To Our AFNNA
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  • Postal address 19356, Code 00202 Nairobi,Kenya

Scientific Chair Conference Welcome: 2nd Africa Nephrology Nurses Association Congress in Kigali Rwanda

Dear AFNNA conference participants.

As we are preparing to welcome you to the second Africa Nephrology Nurses Association conference to be held in Kigali Rwanda from 16th to 18th May 2024. I would like to express my gratitude towards you all for taking part. We feel privileged to have you and are ready to receive you at the conference.

Our theme is, ‘Improving Kidney Care in Africa: The Evolving Role of the Nephrology Nurse’. We have a fantastic lineup of speakers, engaging workshops, and networking opportunities lined up for you. These individuals are experts in their respective fields and will be sharing their knowledge and experiences during the conference. Additionally, we believe the conference will offer opportunities for you to get into collaborations and come up with innovative approaches to caring for patients with kidney disease. We believe these interactions can foster professional growth.

Thank you for being part of this exciting journey and together we will make this conference a successful and memorable event.

On behalf of the scientific committee, I am delighted to welcome you to the conference.

Warm regards

Dr. Dorcas Maina

Scientific Chair
